G11 Gordon

发布:admin发布时间:2022-10-19 15:31:24

I had began studying at Boren when I entered 7th grade. I was attracted to this school because my sisters had graduated from it and entered pretty good universities. At first it was kind of hard to adjust to the different environment but soon enough it became very fun. I had struggled with Chinese because before enrolling I hadn't spoken a word of Mandarin. One of the many good things though about this school is it's environment. Speaking Chinese became second nature because of how much I had spoken it to other people. The school is filled with people from across the globe with all different types of backgrounds which made learning quite easy. Before coming I had worried that the English education wouldn't be good because it was a school in China but I'm on 4 years here and my English is improving day by day. I feel that education is one of the stand out aspects to Boren and that’s all thanks to the staff and teachers. I feel that as long as I am in Boren, I don't need to worry because I know my education is in the right hands.


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