Activities Arrangement

发布:admin发布时间:2021-05-27 19:32:04

    We offer an extensive extra-curricular activities to meet the various needs and interests of our School students. 

Senior Secondary students activities include:

Boys' Soccer Team、Live Café、Sports Club 、Math Contest 、Baking Club 、Chess/Board Games 、Student Council 、Yearbook Club、Art Club 、Dance Club 、Christmas Party 、Halloween Party 、graduation trip 、Sports Day 、Basketball Club

Junior Secondary students activities include:

    We combine students' actual abilities and development directions to provide a wealth of teaching activities that suit their level and explore their potential.

    We pay special attention to reading for students. Students can develop reading habits from an early age and like to read. Through exploring and seeking knowledge in books, we will increase knowledge. Therefore, we organize a "reading plan" every semester and encourage students to read.

    We set up teaching activities according to the teaching content and in line with the teaching progress, so that students can strengthen their knowledge and understanding of knowledge through activities, and learn and use them flexibly. There are also celebrations of different festivals to make the festival atmosphere and deepen students’ understanding of festivals, so that students can feel the colorful campus life.

    Each of our subject groups will hold regular teaching competitions and activities to encourage students to participate actively, and teachers guide students to participate in competitions or activities to enhance their self-confidence. The students of our school are quite excellent in self-confidence and courtesy.

    Every summer vacation, we will organize students to participate in study tours in Canada, so that students can study and experience homestay life in famous Canadian universities, so that they can feel the life of studying abroad in advance.

    We hold various of teaching activities every semester.This semester includes:


  • Chinese Calligraphy Competition

  • Poetry Recitation Competition


  • Drama

  • Public Speech

  • English Calligraphy Competition


  • Math Contest

  • Math Games


  • Making volcano

  • Science experienced lesson

Comprehensive development activities

  • Chinese and English Reading Program

  • Summer Camp

  • Off-school Experience Activities

  • Baking

  • Traditional culture inheritance activities

Sports, Music and Art:

    We also focus on cultivating students' talents in sports, music and art. We encourage them to have a wide range of interests to explore potential. By having different activities, strengthen their physical fitness, cultivate their sentiment, and improve their overall qualities to promote their development comprehensively.

    We have provided various extra curriculum, encouraging students to actively participate. According to the growth and development needs of students, we carry out a series of activities so that students can experience the colorful campus life, including:


  • basketball match

  • football match

  • Dodge Ball match

  • Fencing

  • Tennis lesson 

  • Badminton Lesson

  • Sports Day


  • Dancing

  • Musical Instrument

  • New Year Music Show

  • Children’s Day Music Show


  • Art and craft lesson

  • Creative Painting

  • Water-colour Painting


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