发布:admin发布时间:2022-07-20 10:16:18
为充分利用“家长会”这一平台,加强学校、教师、家长之间的沟通,共同关注学生健康成长;让家长走进校园,走近课堂,了解学校,让家长了解子女在校学习、生活情况,从而更好地配合学校教育,形成有效的“三结合”教育格局。我校于5月28日上午进行了本学期家长会。 Parent-teacher meeting works as a connecting link between parents and teachers as the parents know how the child behaves and is doing at home while the teachers would know about their behavior at school. The union of the teacher’s feedback and the parent’s concern can immensely help a child’s educational journey.
PART.01 留学部主管介绍我校教育教学特色及学生出路 PART.02 班主任介绍班级情况 Performance Report PART.03 科任老师答疑 Face to face with subject teachers PART.04 作品展示 Students' Works