第二课堂开课啦这一站筑梦自我,下一站 成就“新”我,第二课堂满足你各种遐想;只要你有激情,我们就有舞台;只要你感兴趣,我们就为你而来!广东中加柏仁学校第二课堂招新赶紧来选择你心仪的课程吧!快来看看我们的课表▼
叮!请查收你的开学指南亲爱的家长们、同学们: 在这个阳光明媚的季节,我们又将重新回到美丽的校园,开启新一学期的征途。 为切实降低疫情输入风险,保障全校师生身体健康,根据上级部门的相关要求,结合我校实际情况,现就开学有关工作安排如
Address from Our Principal校长寄语Today, I am very glad to attend the graduation ceremony of primary and junior middle school. First of all, I would like to express my warm and sincere congratulations to the students who have completed six years of primary school and three years of junior middle sch
Graduation signifies a time to celebrate your accomplishments. It’s not only when good things come to an end, but when a new chapter in your life begins. On the afternoon of June 29th, we recognized agraduation ceremony for our grade 6 and grade 9 students.空气中又飘散着稻子成熟的气息。毕业,
国际大家庭欢迎您!壹Part One学校简介精致校园浓郁书香广东中加柏仁学校创建于1999年,是设在中国的第一所加拿大安大略省海外高中。2003年荣获“广东省十佳民办中学”称号,同年增设了小学、初中部(江门市迪生学校),实行九年一贯制教育。学校秉承“中加携手、共育英才”的办学宗旨,创设中西融合的教育模式,为海外
Graduating from high school is a milestone in students’ lives.It means that all of your hard work over the last three years was worth it. Also,itGraduating from high school is a milestone in students’ lives.It means that all of your hard work over the last three years was w
Communication skills are important for delivering messages clearly and concisely. In view of this, we organized a "Seconday English Speech Contest" so as to bring out students’ creativity, improve their public speaking skills and English proficiency.为了丰富校园文化生活,展示我校学生英语口