2021年最佳留学国家排名出炉加拿大再次蝉联世界第一近期,全球教育网站education.com发布2021年全球十大最佳留学国家排行榜(Top 10 Places in theWorld to Study Abroad - 2021)。在今年的排名中,加拿大以81.80的高分继2020年夺冠后再次位居第一,力压英、美、澳等其它热门留学国家。根据官方数据显示,网站对2700
在元旦到来之际,我们预祝孩子们新年快乐,健康幸福,茁壮成长!为庆祝元旦,我校于2020年12月31日上午举行了小学部新年音乐汇演活动。In light of the upcoming holiday and New Year, we would like to wish our students a Happy New Year, good health and success. To celebrate this day, we held a fantastic music
在辞旧迎新之际,为了丰富校园文化生活,培养学生积极向上的精神风貌,营造欢乐和谐的新年气氛,充分展现同喜、同乐、同庆的和谐校园氛围,让学生度过愉快的一天。学校于12月25日举办了“庆元旦·迎新年·校园嘉年华”游园活动。To celebrate the upcoming new year, also to enrich our students' campus cultural lif
To enrich our junior students'school life, make them feel the joy of sports and fostertheir sense of competition, collaboration and fairness, we held asports day on the morning of December 5th.为了丰富初中生的校园生活,让他们感受运动的快乐,同时培养竞争意识、协作精神和公平观念,
To enrich the school life of our senior high school students, make them feel the joy of sports and cultivate the spirit of unity and cooperation, our school held a sports day on the morning of November 27th.为了丰富高中生的校园生活,感受运动的快乐,同时培养学生们的团结协作精神,学校于11月27日上午举行
为增长学生的见识,释放天性,同时增添他们的生活乐趣,我校组织小学初中部学生于11月26日到顺德欢乐海岸秋游。For the purposing of broadening our students' horizons, freeingtheir nature and spicingup their life, we organized Grade 1 to Grade 9studentsto go for an autumn outing
2020-2021(1)Parent's Day Review2020-2021(1)家长会回顾一For strengthening communication and contact between the school and parents, letting parents know about their children's school lifeand studyat school, our school held a parents' meeting on the morning of November 21. On t