发布:boren发布时间:2020-12-21 18:46:06
为增长学生的见识,释放天性,同时增添他们的生活乐趣,我校组织小学初中部学生于11月26日到顺德欢乐海岸秋游。 For the purposing of broadening our students' horizons, freeing their nature and spicing up their life, we organized Grade 1 to Grade 9 students to go for an autumn outing to Shunde OCT Harbour on November 26th. Primary 小学部 Group Shot 班级合照 Fun Time 定格快乐 Secondary 初中部 Group Shot 班级合照 Fun Time 定格快乐 想了解更多学校动态及英文版,请扫描二维码关注我们的微信公众号:中加柏仁