为提高学生的英语阅读能力,点燃他们对语言学习的热爱,加深对英语诗歌的理解,我校于12月10日上午举行了小学诗歌朗诵比赛。Aiming to raise students' English language reading proficiency, ignite their love for learning the language, and deepen their understanding of English poetry, we held a prima
Sports is powerful because it not only helps people to stay healthy but also improves emotional fitness, boosts in self esteem and enhances discipline. For these purposes,we held the Junior Sports Dayon the morning of December 4.运动不仅可以帮助人们保持健康,还可以改善人的情绪,增强
为促进学生身心健康,增强体质,培养学生集体主义荣誉感,调动和激发学生参与体育锻炼的积极性,展示班级良好的精神风貌,我校于上周举行了小学,初中部广播体操比赛。小学部 PrimaryG1 一年级G2 二年级G3 三年级G4 四年级G5 五年级G6A 六年级A班G6B 六年级B班初中部 SecondaryG7 七年级G8A 八年级A班G8B 八年级B班G9A 九年
The school sports provide students lots of diversions, fills them with happy cheers and puts their youthful spirit on the right track. Today is our high school sports day, here are some exciting moments released:美丽的清晨为大家带来了愉悦的心情。广东中加柏仁学校高中生们迎着温暖的阳光,伴着和煦的微风
Writing is fun if you are writing about news and events in your community.Grade 10 students are having a good time writing and publishing their news articles.It is really a great experience seeing the newspapers come to life through the hard work of the students. The students collected the new
家长会是让家长了解孩子在校的学习情况和课余生活,让家长参与到孩子的成长当中,增强家校合作的有效途径。因此,我校于11月20日上午,召开了本学期的家长会。Partents' day is a good way to keep parents in the loop in regards to their child's assignments, homework or even co-curricular activities boost