发布:boren发布时间:2022-07-18 18:43:17
What an amazing day! The English Speech Competition at school is held with such enthusiasm for the primary school students. The students showed their prowess in public speaking, singing, acting, and storytelling. This event is a product of putting hours and hours of practice of the students to create a wonderful presentation for everybody. They came in prepared with their props, costumes, and sound effects to add excitement to their presentations. 多么美妙的活动!江门市迪生学校举行了小学英语演讲比赛,学生们在演讲、唱诵、表演及故事的讲述中展现了他们的风采。经过赛前的精心排练和准备,小学生们为我们呈现了一场英语视觉盛宴。
G1:The Lion and the Mouse 一年级:Ankilili陈殷淇/Alan金雅兰/Dana Supervisor:李淑芳老师 G4:The colours of friendship Rainbow 四年级:Carly陈怡菲 Supervisor:黄雁老师 G2:Red Riding Hood Story 二年级:Emily吴恺嫣/Kaileigh/宝音其其格Pony Supervisor:Ms Aura G6B:Friendship 六年级B班:Chen陈淑贤 Supervisor:Ms Hanna G6A:Friendship 六年级A班:Tiffany吴恺莹 Supervisor:Ms Hanna G5:Who Stole Bhaiya's Smile 五年级:Karina罗家怡/Cici唐诗翰 Supervisor:邓爱玲老师 G3:Childhood Stories of George Washington 三年级:Jayden李明轩/Regina金松延 Supervisor:苏丽频老师 G6A:Friendship 六年级:Claudia李端濱 Supervisor:Ms Hanna The event is also geared to improve the English fluency and to create self-confidence among the students. The themes of the presentations are about friendships, not talking to strangers and about the art of storytelling. 本次活动不仅能充分体现学生流利的英语水平,同时也让学生展现了他们自信的风姿。 In the end everybody deserves to win awards for showing great effort, patience, and for polishing their English skills. 活动最后,选手们获得了观众及评委的一致好评,也为此次活动画上了圆满的句号。期待我们下一次的小学部英语演讲比赛。 想了解更多学校动态及英文版,请扫描二维码关注我们的微信公众号:中加柏仁