发布:boren发布时间:2021-10-28 14:58:22
运动能丰富学生课余生活,增强学生身体素质,并培养学生健康向上、团结合作的精神。为提高同学们的体育锻炼意识,我校于10月23日上午,举行了小学部趣味运动会。 Sports can enrich students' after-school life, enhance their constitution and cultivate their cooperative spirit. To raise students' consciousness of physical exercise, our school held the primary sports day on the morning of October 23. Opening Performances 开幕式表演 Jump Rope、Hula Hoop and Shooting Match 跳绳、呼啦圈、投篮大比拼 Pass the Ball with Supine Posture 仰卧传球 "8"Zigzag Rope Skipping Competition “8”字跳绳 Shuttle Race 迎面接力赛 50m Race 50米跑 Running Round the Pole 绕杆跑 Tug O War 拔河比赛 Behind the Scenes 花絮 想了解更多学校动态及英文版,请扫描二维码关注我们的微信公众号:中加柏仁