发布:boren发布时间:2020-05-21 16:33:49
PART 01 教育局领导莅临我校督导工作 Educational Bureau Inspection 5月18日上午,江门市教育局副局长刘利元莅临我校,对我校复学防疫工作进行督查,指导。督查过程中,刘局长检查了我校学生宿舍、医务室、饭堂、课室等校园场所的具体防控措施,对我校的各项防疫举措表示肯定,并向我们提出了许多宝贵意见和建议。 On the morning of May 18, Deputy Director General of Jiangmen Educational Bureau Mr Liu Liyuan supervised our arrangement of epidemic prevention. In the course of inspection, he inspected the specific prevention and control measures of our student dormitory, school clinic, canteen and classroom and affirmed the various epidemic prevention measures of our school. At the same time, he gave us valuable advice on how to better prepare for the resumption. PART 02 有序进校 Enter School in Order 5月18日下午,我校迎来第一批复学的小学生。同学们佩戴口罩,按照指引,排队依次进行入校登记、体温检测。确认体温合格后,按照指定通道,消毒行李,有序进入校园。 On the afternoon of May 18, our school staff welcomed Grade 4-6 as the first batch of primary students return to school. All students were required to wear their face masks and kept appropriate distance with each other. They followed the guidance to register information, take temperature, hand in the health forms and have their luggages disinfected. 有序进餐 Orderly Dining 用餐期间,学生有序排队进入饭堂,按照老师们的指引,就坐进食。 During the meal time, students entered the canteen orderly and had meals in safety distance under the guidance of our teachers. 开学第一课:公共卫生 The First Lesson:Public Health 为加强同学们的自我保护意识,进一步掌握疫情防控知识,班主任利用晚修时间,给同学们上了开学第一课:公共卫生课。 For raising the students' self-protection awareness and grasping the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control, classmasters gave the students the First Lesson “Public Health” during the study hall on May 18. 重返课堂 Resume Classroom Learning 复学第一天的早晨,同学们精神抖擞,准时来到课室,聚精会神地听课。 On the first morning when our students resumped classroom learning, everyone was vigorous, showed up on time and listened to the teachers with great concentration.